
Monday, September 28, 2009

The life of the art, live on your browser....

Sunday 27 September 2009
Sunday night this blog embarked on a new, somewhat cutting edge adventure in blogging. As I have written before, this is a multi-media blog. The main emphasis of multi-media blogging is live streaming, or as some have called it, life streaming. I have been involved in the jazz jams at YJ's for several years. Lately I've started streaming the jazz jams live. With the introduction of the new blog,, I am hoping to do more events live. Eventually I'd like to go for sponsorships and grants for these streams in order to try to bring Kansas City's arts scene to the world. For now, it's just a little hobby that I do to keep myself busy. I am using a combination of software, hardware and mobile devices to try to bring live events to the web, anywhere, anytime... anyway. I am testing out software that acts as a switcher and streaming program. So far it has proven to be very powerful and effective. One problem, though, to anyone who has seen the stream, is that the software puts a bug on the output. When I scrape together the funding, I will get rid of that, as long as I see no major flaws in the system. As far as the jazz goes, in the city and at YJ's, I have seen a number of quality individuals who are keeping Kansas City's musical legacy alive. I like to call it the legacy in blue. One big shame in our fair city is that we have such a great heritage in music, but much of it is like a lot of neighborhoods in this city, abandoned and weed choked. I visited Memphis, Tennessee in March 08, and found a city that was proud of it's musical history and has turned it into an economic powerhouse. Our city's musical legacy goes to waste economically for this city, as we let it crumble on the east side, mired in racism and short sightedness. When will people wake up and see that there is a great economic opportunity here? Preserving our musical legacy is not merely a historical nice thing to do, but is an important part of who we are as Kansas Citians. Just as important as our national parks and monuments, the legacy that jazz has left on the world is greater than any mass media movement ever, and Kansas City was central to the development of that legacy. However, too often, hearing the words, "this is a Pendergast town" often means that we are haunted by destructive selfish forces that hold us down and make us a backwater in the eyes of many people in this world. So, it is heartening to see people doing something to preserve this legacy, from all the individuals who keep the Mutual Musicians Foundation going, to the jazz jams, such as YJ's, where musicians get to develop their chops, to all the youth programs that pass on the legacy, these people deserve our appreciation and support. Maybe someday, the jazz district will be a profitable enterprise, and not an expensive museum of sterilized history. I am thinking Beale Street here. As far as my live streams, I'm going to break a little rule of mine here, and include it in the calender.

Sunday 27 September 2009
Sunday 27 September 2009
Sunday 27 September 2009
Sunday 27 September 2009
Sunday 27 September 2009
Watch live video from Chrometuna's Super Natural Boloney on
I will see how this works in addition to what I stream on livestream....
Click the on Button to see what is being streamed on Svoboda...

If you click on the "On Demand" button on the bottom of the player, you can see Sunday nights stream.... just click on Sunday night, 27 September 2009.

Friday, September 25, 2009


I began putting my new Google Calender to use. I walked to Screenland tonight for a showing of Berdella, the Movie. Perhaps you've seen stickers with the menacing man wearing glasses with the word Bobey beneath it.
Photo of Routeburn Flats, on the Routeburn Track in New Zealand." I talked with the directors of the new movie tonight. They said that no matter what, anything involving Bob Berdella in this city would evoke emotion and controversy. To make a horror flick is what these two directors, who both have day jobs wanted to do. They chose subject matter involving a real looming figure in the not too distant history of Kansas City where there are real people who still remember and still feel the pain of that history, some of whom were in the Screenland Theater as I talked to Bill Taft and Paul South, the creaters of this newest addition to the horror genre in Kansas City. They say Berdella will run through Sunday at Screenland. Showtimes are Saturday, September 26th at 7:00and Sunday, September 27th at 7:00. The website for the movie has everything you need to know and more. I took on some pretense of being a reporter tonight and shot some video, asked some questions on camera and took some pictures.
Friday 25 September 2009
Screenland in Kansas City Missouri.
Friday 25 September 2009
Screenland post modern sign in Kansas City Missouri.
Friday 25 September 2009
Bobey t-shirt, Screenland in Kansas City Missouri.
Friday 25 September 2009
Berdella t-shirts, Screenland in Kansas City Missouri.
Friday 25 September 2009
Berdella posterst, Screenland in Kansas City Missouri.
Friday 25 September 2009
Screen shot of Berdella: the Movie, at Screenland in Kansas City Missouri.

Watch live video from Chrometuna's Super Natural Boloney on
I will see how this works in addition to what I stream on livestream....
Click the on Button to see what is being streamed on Svoboda...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

More Mission Statements, or is that missing statements?

I got some mention on another It feels good to be noticed. Now, if I can only do something worthy of notice. Other than lifes regular trials and tribulations, I haven't been fully able to take on this other full time, albeit, unpaid second job. I have been updating the google calender regularly as a feature of this page, but I wasn't able to make it out and report on one of the events in that calender as I planned. I believe that was a film fest at
La Esquina (an Urban Culture Project space). Not so good for a mulit media blog that is supposed to report on the arts in KC. Hopefully I can do better tomorrow and at least sample some of the life of Kansas City. I could use some help on that. So, if you are inclined to help the creative scene (cue ray of light from the heavens here) then befriend me at my facebook account

I could use help with the calender, especially. However, if you are looking for an excuse to get out and sample some of the area arts/culture/music, I could use some help in the way of pictures and perhaps even a few written words on what the event was and what happened. Now, I realize that by saying that, I am opening myself up to a whole lot of garbage. By that, I mean, for instance on my calender, I don't think that having ad nauseum repeating daily events such as Billy Bob's Band at Klebe's Kountry Klub that happens every MTWRFSSu night or Karoake Night at the Swingers Club, or things like that would be appealing to anyone, and would make it hard to find events that people would be interested in. So, I have to make exceptions to that, like, for the most part, no bands, unless it is a festival of some sort or if it has some other special attributes. Like for instance, Bob McWilliams, who does Trail Mix on KPR out of Lawrence, has a lot of interesting folk programs that he does and participates in. You will note he is hosting Greg Greenway in his livingroom in Lawrence, Kansas on Thursday 8 October.
Bob McWilliams.
Bob McWilliams, who hosts Trailmix on KPR.

I've beat some bushes amongst my friends to see if they are interested in lending a hand. I have a good friend in Topeka who is interested in some cross-pollination among sites. He does a show on every night and often during the day. It has proven to be very popular. I asked him if I could embed it here....
Watch live video from Chrometuna's Super Natural Boloney on
I will see how this works in addition to what I stream on livestream....
Click the on Button to see what is being streamed on Svoboda...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


In My Opinion

Often, when I talk about art, I'm given a look like what I am saying is trivial and frivolous. After all, with the major problems all around us, violence, poverty, hopelessness, etc, isn't art a bit of a luxury, and elitist? I contend, that if you go to an area with no art and culture, you will also find these problems prevail. I think there is a direct link. However, even in the most threadbare areas, there is at least some form of human creativity going on, often in defiance of the prevailing attitudes and totalitarian authority. Oftentimes when a creative community find its way, and starts maturing, the surrounding communities as a whole benefit economically. This is not trivial, but the corporate state seems to view organic creative enterprise as a form of competition, and large fiscal political organizations only tend to recognize that which is corporate as a means to develop major metropolitan areas. The result is often sterile, corporate, temporary and is expensively subsidized for the life of the development, often at the expense of roads, sewers, parks and programs for the middle class and poor. Often when looking for a programs that can benefit the most for the least amount, those that promote creativity and self-expression offer the most bang for the buck and reach the most people. However, what is usually the first choice are the programs that cost the most and benefit the fewest. Art and music programs will not solve all social ills but they will go a long way to reaching a lot of people. If you want to make a more liveable viable city, put a lot more into art.

Click the on Button to see what is being streamed on Svoboda...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Here we go....


Yesterday, on our trip to Lawrence, I discovered that Love Garden is moving. Love Garden is a record store in Lawrence that has been around since 1990. That is about 19 years for those of us keeping count. There have been many record stores that have come and gone in that time.... Recycled Sounds, Groove Farm, Spiney Norman, among many many others. I noticed the new location on our walk downtown.... IMG_2757 This is from their website.... Love Garden is moving. It’s been 19+ years at 936½ Massachusetts St. - and yes, we're a little sad to see it go. The other side of the pillow is always cooler - and that's what we foresee for the new location: 822 Massachusetts. The new space should be open on Monday, September 7th. Starting Friday, August 28th, a stock reduction sale will start at the old location that you’ve come to know and love…936½ Massachusetts St. As we walked on downtown, I also noticed that the old location is still open... IMG_2778 The new location has better frontage and visibility, so, hopefully it will be a successful move. Photo of the Frame Gallery in Westport.


While I was enjoying a day in Lawrence, I was neglecting to attend a show by Lauren, who I know as a barista at my favorite coffeehouse, YJ's. So, while I wasn't able to make it Friday night, I am going to post the information here. Please forgive me, as I am copying the information from the flyer... New Work by Lauren McEntire and Sara Dirks opening Friday September 18th 6-10 PM open through October 16th THE FRAME GALLERY 1415 WESTPORT RD KANSAS CITY, MO 64111


This is my opinion and nothing more. I want to congratulate Jeff "Stretch" Rumaner on his new job in the Kansas City Missouri TIF commission. I think he is more than qualified for the job and I would also like to congratulate the Mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, Mark Funkhouser, on a wise choice. I believe this to be a good move because Stretch is a businessman and artist who has worked hard for his success, and has also as have many artists in the area, been affected deeply by tax increment financing re-developing the area that has come to be known as the Kansas City Crossroads. I believe his business acumen coupled with his abilities as an artist will bring a badly needed fresh outlook on the post. I thought I'd end this by embedding the '09 mardi gras parade video, which ends with Stretch wishing us all a happy mardi gras.... Svoboda KC

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday 17 September 2009


I don't know if I'm the first to use these words together.

Some people do written b-logs -- short for weblogs.
Some people do photo blogs.
Some people do v-logs, or video logs.

Wednesday 16 September 2009


I don't know if I'm the first, but let me introduce the concept of the multimedia blog. Media companies are trying to use the term MMJ to mean somebody who does everything but gets paid nothing. However, MMJ is a useful term for the average joe who might be so inclined to go into business for him/herself. Instead of MMJ, maybe perhaps a business model and opportunity can be found in the MMB, or multi-media blog. If bloggers learn what professional journalists know, than bloggers can be unstoppable. That is, the only thing that professionals have to sell is their credibility. Many media corporations -- newspapers, radio stations and television stations have come to be owned by short term investment companies, who care little about news, journalism or serving local markets. Instead, they have concentrated only on short term profits. As they do this, they have decided that producing local news is secondary to cost cutting. So, the quality and accuracy of the product is slipping. When journalists are expected to do their work, the work of the photographer and the engineer and they have to work long hours for little pay and less benefits (starting to sound like a sweatshop) then it is easy to see why all the professionals are leaving the field. That leaves open a big IF for people who might be interested in staying in this field. That IF is how can I do this myself and support myself? Some terms have been thrown around as of late -- hyperlocal or narrowcasting. In other words, if a niche can be found and filled, such as producing local news in an area that never had access to local news before, or maybe a local arts newscast, or high school sports cast, etc. etc. etc., then maybe that is the future of local news. However, the big IF, is in the business model... how do you produce your MMB, and make a living at it. Maybe it will just remain a hobby.

What would make it a mutli-media blog, and ultimately different that what has been done in the past, would be the interactive aspect of it. Not only will there be livestreaming....

but there also would be a community forum....
Svoboda KC