
Thursday, September 24, 2009

More Mission Statements, or is that missing statements?

I got some mention on another It feels good to be noticed. Now, if I can only do something worthy of notice. Other than lifes regular trials and tribulations, I haven't been fully able to take on this other full time, albeit, unpaid second job. I have been updating the google calender regularly as a feature of this page, but I wasn't able to make it out and report on one of the events in that calender as I planned. I believe that was a film fest at
La Esquina (an Urban Culture Project space). Not so good for a mulit media blog that is supposed to report on the arts in KC. Hopefully I can do better tomorrow and at least sample some of the life of Kansas City. I could use some help on that. So, if you are inclined to help the creative scene (cue ray of light from the heavens here) then befriend me at my facebook account

I could use help with the calender, especially. However, if you are looking for an excuse to get out and sample some of the area arts/culture/music, I could use some help in the way of pictures and perhaps even a few written words on what the event was and what happened. Now, I realize that by saying that, I am opening myself up to a whole lot of garbage. By that, I mean, for instance on my calender, I don't think that having ad nauseum repeating daily events such as Billy Bob's Band at Klebe's Kountry Klub that happens every MTWRFSSu night or Karoake Night at the Swingers Club, or things like that would be appealing to anyone, and would make it hard to find events that people would be interested in. So, I have to make exceptions to that, like, for the most part, no bands, unless it is a festival of some sort or if it has some other special attributes. Like for instance, Bob McWilliams, who does Trail Mix on KPR out of Lawrence, has a lot of interesting folk programs that he does and participates in. You will note he is hosting Greg Greenway in his livingroom in Lawrence, Kansas on Thursday 8 October.
Bob McWilliams.
Bob McWilliams, who hosts Trailmix on KPR.

I've beat some bushes amongst my friends to see if they are interested in lending a hand. I have a good friend in Topeka who is interested in some cross-pollination among sites. He does a show on every night and often during the day. It has proven to be very popular. I asked him if I could embed it here....
Watch live video from Chrometuna's Super Natural Boloney on
I will see how this works in addition to what I stream on livestream....
Click the on Button to see what is being streamed on Svoboda...