Lawrence Kansas as a whole knows the value that art and a strong creative class brings to a community. Final Friday has become a part of this city's efforts to showcase it's tremendous creative scene. I went to my first Final Friday at the end of May 2011. I talked with one of the organizers about the event.
June 2011's final friday did not have all of the stuff going on that the Art Tougeau car parade brought to last months event, but there were plenty of people enjoying the nice weather and taking the time to visit the venues. I got some photos of the town, crowds and art.
Click HERE to see more photo's
BEING ARTYA Few Creative news links....
*Talk about art cars, how about cars as art?
*Being discrete in KU Spencers Museum of art.
*Oh Heavens!
*KSU Murals get fixed.
*Being discrete in KU Spencers Museum of art.
*Oh Heavens!
*KSU Murals get fixed.
Flyer Wall
Of course, as always, support this blog by reading it, and emailing the link to your family and friends and support your local creatives by attending one, many or all of these fine events.