Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ten Years of Svoboda

September comes and goes and I rarely acknowledge the Birthday of my blog.  This year was no different as I have been super busy with many things. However, belatedly I have decided to write a post for the tenth anniversary of Svoboda.

When I first started this blog, I was feeling insecure about my own personal future and the future of the entire media industry.  Ten years has not changed that.  

We went on our first trip to the Grand Canyon that year and we lost someone who was significant to the life of our city...
Anne Winter

We have lost much...
On another of our trips, I reminisced about my friend who also had passed away.

Very painfully to me and my family personally is the loss of 

The gains over the years have been too many to really list out.  Probably the biggest gain has been that Kansas City has become a genuinely nice place to live.  Artists have lead the way in that.  I want to keep this post short, so I will end with a video.


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