Thursday, November 19, 2015

London Day Trip

Rousted outta our comfy cozy bed...
Not the last time I will consult a map today...
 French bakery in a London station...
She's got a ticket to Europe....
They sure cost enough!
Showing off a powdered sugar moustache...
Mmmmmm, French pastry..... fattening.....
The reason we came....
In St. Pancras station...

St Pancras railway station

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Which way do we go?
Waiting.... not long...
Gum and Butts....


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We didn't have time to tour the tower owing to all the time we spent on the train tickets, so we settled for a little exploratory tour of the outside and the gift shop.
The Tower of London

Tower of London

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Replicas of the crown jewels in the ticket booth
Off with her head!
Posing for a close shave...
I wonder if I can get that on the plane....

Tower Bridge

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Remains of the old walls of the Tower of London
To the gift shop!
My rod and my staff!
London Taxi's

Hackney carriage

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Monument to the Great Fire of London

Monument to the Great Fire of London
LOL = Lost in London!
 LoL = Lost in London!
LoL = Lost in London

St Paul's Cathedral

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It looks like a huge beaver trap... I wonder what will happen if I touch this right here....???
Cue scary music....
Lost again .. Dizzying...
She's giving that look again....
I know where I am damnnit!
What ever!
Now where are we?
Ask directions!
Out comes the finger of eternal nagging and lecturing....
Now you listen here!
I told you..... you told me...
Cue eye rolling... Let's go!
Footsore and having to pee, we search for an underground station entrance.  Suyen is learning the hard way about practical footwear.  Steve is learning the hard way that sore feet equals a sore wife!
Cue the yelling and arguing!
followed by ... silent treatment...
At Last... the Underground, thanks to good navigating by Steve!
Waiting on a train....
Back at Liverpool Street station...

Liverpool Street station

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Boarding a train back to Norwich....

June 4, 2009 at 8.06am PDT
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